Friday, June 17, 2011

Windows 8 tablet would be launched in 2012

With Apple iPad 2 is going to hit the stores by next week, it seems Microsoft has to wait for another year to launch a real iPad competitor in the Market. According to the report published by Morgan Stanley, Microsoft would be launching Windows 8 for tablets in the first half of 2012.

Michael Gartenberg, an analyst for research firm Gartner said“If 2011 is the year of the tablet wars, Microsoft will be awfully late suiting up for that battle. It’s not a good position to be in. [....] Battle lines are being drawn, land is being grabbed, users are being evangelized and spending money” , so Microsoft has to rely on HP Slate and Asus Eee Slate which runs on Windows 7 until Windows 8 for tablets is released.

We have earlier reported a leaked roadmap from Dell stating that they would be launching Windows 8 Tablet in the first quarter of 2012, which matches with the report be Morgan Stanley. So we could definitely expect the Windows 8 tablet launch at CES 2012.

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