Friday, June 17, 2011

Office 365 offers value, but it’s not Office

Microsoft revealed its latest beta version of Office 365. For some small businesses — even some individuals — it may be worth the price.
The first thing you have to understand about Office 365 (info page) is that it isn’t Office. In spite of the name, Office 365 isn’t a new version of Office at all. It’s a rebranding of server services Microsoft has offered for years, with a bit more sizzle and a different marketing slant (and presumably a much larger marketing budget).
Microsoft could have explained the product much more accurately by calling it “Exchange-SharePoint-Lync for Rent” and by emphasizing that you don’t need to run Exchange, SharePoint, or Lync on your own hardware. You can rent time on Microsoft’s servers, and MS will do all the heavy lifting over the Internet

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