Friday, June 17, 2011

Windows 8 Video Demonstration

Microsoft have released a 32 minute video of the Windows 8 partner preview event in Taipei, Taiwan at Computex 2011. Microsoft corporate Vice president Mike Anguilo demonstrates Windows 8 live

Microsoft to unveil Windows Phone 7.5

Microsoft is set to unveil a major upgrade to Windows Phone 7 at an event later today. The new release, version 7.5, will include improved web browsing, updated Microsoft Office support and better gaming options.

Rumours suggest that it will also offer improved voice support, turn-by-turn navigation, visual voicemail and automatic Facebook check-ins. Only the last of these, however, would be a feature not currently on offer on both Apple and Google’s operating systems, either free or via a paid-for app.

Some rumours have also suggested that new devices and WiFi tethering, allowing users to share their phone’s data connection with other devices, could also be included. Although tethering too is now also offered by the Apple iPhone and has been a part of Google devices for some time, Microsoft has previously said however that it has no plans to include it.

Analysts have remained sceptical at Windows Phone 7’s ability to crack a market dominated by Apple and Android. Google recently reported that 100million Android devices had been activated. Microsoft’s deal with Nokia, however, may give it a new advantage.

Eldar Murtazin, an analyst who was among the first to identify Microsoft’s intention to do a deal with Nokia, has said that although Microsoft has shipped 1.5 million phones to partners, approximately 900,000 of those remain unsold so far.

2012 Release For Windows 8, Ballmer Reiterates

At a Microsoft Developer Forum in Japan , Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer confirmed what we’ve all been assuming: the company plans to release Windows 8 in 2012, just about three years after the release of Windows 7.

Unfortunately, that’s as specific as the famously enthusiastic CEO cared to be, and no new features or details about the release were discussed.

New Windows Phone 7.5 features revealed

Microsoft has revealed some additional Windows Phone 7.5 features over the weekend.

Bing Audio/Vision

Bing Audio will allow Windows Phone 7.5 owners to search for music using Bing. The feature is similar to Shazam and will allow users to identify songs by holding their phones up to speakers playing music.

Bing Vision will be a search service using the phones camera. Bing Vision will support barcodes, Microsoft Tags, QR codes, Books, CDs, DVDs and text using OCR. Users will utilize the service by scanning products and finding competitive prices locally and online.

Microsoft Announces Windows Azure Toolkits for iOS, Android and Windows Phone

Microsoft announced Windows Azure Toolkits for Devices, consisting of assets for Windows Phone, iOS and a preview of tools for Android.

Using the toolkits, developers can use the cloud to accelerate the creation of applications on the major mobile platforms. Companies, including Groupon, are taking advantage to create a unified approach to cloud-to-mobile user experience.

Microsoft near $7 billion deal for Skype

Microsoft is putting the finishing touches on a deal to buy Internet phone company Skype for between $7 billion and $8 billion, and a deal could be announced as early as tomorrow, according to a Wall Street Journal report.

Office 365 offers value, but it’s not Office

Microsoft revealed its latest beta version of Office 365. For some small businesses — even some individuals — it may be worth the price.
The first thing you have to understand about Office 365 (info page) is that it isn’t Office. In spite of the name, Office 365 isn’t a new version of Office at all. It’s a rebranding of server services Microsoft has offered for years, with a bit more sizzle and a different marketing slant (and presumably a much larger marketing budget).
Microsoft could have explained the product much more accurately by calling it “Exchange-SharePoint-Lync for Rent” and by emphasizing that you don’t need to run Exchange, SharePoint, or Lync on your own hardware. You can rent time on Microsoft’s servers, and MS will do all the heavy lifting over the Internet

One Step Closer to the First Nokia Device built on Windows Phone

After 10 weeks of intense collaboration, we are pleased to report that Nokia and Microsoft have signed the definitive agreement for our strategic partnership to build a new global mobile ecosystem that is unlike any other. It’s a bold claim. But collectively we’ve moved from intent to agreement in such a short period. Actually, it’s even faster than we expected which makes this a perfect example of our commitment to our partnership and the speed at which we plan to move together.

As a result of our negotiations and discussions, we’ve aligned our teams and assets, and clearly see the potential to change the way people use their mobile devices for the better. Hundreds of our team members are already working together toward a multi-year product roadmap and are on-schedule to deliver volume shipments in 2012 although the pressure is on for first delivery in 2011. In the coming years we will aggressively work to take Nokia products using Windows Phone to new geographies, at new price points and sharing new experiences for customers around the world to enjoy.

As new partners, we recognize the importance of having a strong and growing ecosystem. And, that ecosystem is fueled by our three favorite words. Developers! Developers! Developers! Since announcing our intention to partner, the number of Windows Phone apps submitted on a daily basis has almost doubled, further illustrating the level of excitement and interest among the community for Windows Phone. Developers like Angry Birds maker, Rovio; deal of the day supersite, Groupon; hot social app, Ditto; and UK mega-retailer, Sainsbury’s, are all committing to the Windows Phone platform. And, to make joining the Windows Phone ecosystem even easier, in the first year we will make Windows Phone developer registration free for all published Nokia developers.

You will see unique innovation and differentiation across hardware, software and services as the Nokia products using Windows Phone roll-out, delivering consumer experiences in mapping, search, gaming, social media, advertising and productivity. Along the way, you can expect an increased focus on mobile business and productivity scenarios that build on Microsoft’s cloud services, new features for Symbian, and new capabilities for Windows Phone devices.

Our teams are working together toward a common goal with you, the consumer, at the heart of our experience. With set processes and dedicated teams across both companies, we have created and mapped out ways to collaborate. In order to innovate as partners, we know we have to go beyond the usual pairing of phone hardware with software. That’s why we are purposely creating a truly unique and deeply integrated partnership and are on a fast track to deliver.

We clearly see the potential, and the stage is set, and we look forward to the years ahead. Come and join us on our journey.

Posted by Kai Oistamo, Executive Vice President and Chief Development Officer, Nokia & Andy Lees, President, Mobile Communications Business, Microsoft

Microsoft announces Office 365 Public Beta

Microsoft has today announced the public beta of Office 365. Microsoft Office 365 for professionals and small businesses is a subscription service that combines the familiar Microsoft Office Web Apps with a set of web-enabled tools that are easy to learn and use, that work with your existing hardware, and that come backed by the robust security, reliability, and control you need to run your business.

Microsoft today also introduced the Office 365 Marketplace, providing a simple way for customers to find apps and services when they want to extend and customize Office 365. The Marketplace is now live with over 100 apps and 400 professional services, available from the established community of more than 16,000 Microsoft cloud partners — with new apps and services to be added over time.

Windows 8 Portable Workspace Allows OS To Run From USB

They’ve found is a new Portable Workspace Creator. This cool new feature would allow you to take your Windows 8 desktop with you on a USB thumb drive.
This isn’t a completely new concept, there’s already a whole rake of portable apps that you can run straight from a USB key. What’s more Linux users will be well used to this. It’s very easy to carry around a bootable copy of Linux OS on a USB drive or even a CD and run it on any computer.
This would be a brilliant feature to have. It would be so handy to just have a bootable copy of your Windows 8 OS in your pocket at all times. It would be much easier working on multiple computers, and also make things easier for tech support who could carry Windows 8 in their pocket with all the tools they may need. The opportunities and benefits of a portable OS are limitless, as I’m sure many Linux users will agree.

Windows 8 tablet would be launched in 2012

With Apple iPad 2 is going to hit the stores by next week, it seems Microsoft has to wait for another year to launch a real iPad competitor in the Market. According to the report published by Morgan Stanley, Microsoft would be launching Windows 8 for tablets in the first half of 2012.

Michael Gartenberg, an analyst for research firm Gartner said“If 2011 is the year of the tablet wars, Microsoft will be awfully late suiting up for that battle. It’s not a good position to be in. [....] Battle lines are being drawn, land is being grabbed, users are being evangelized and spending money” , so Microsoft has to rely on HP Slate and Asus Eee Slate which runs on Windows 7 until Windows 8 for tablets is released.

We have earlier reported a leaked roadmap from Dell stating that they would be launching Windows 8 Tablet in the first quarter of 2012, which matches with the report be Morgan Stanley. So we could definitely expect the Windows 8 tablet launch at CES 2012.

Windows 8 to be released in 2012

Microsoft has been silent about the future Operating System,apart from the leak on the MSDN Blog a long time back there has been no news about when Windows 8 will be released, though recently Microsoft Netherlands team on the occasion of first Birthday of Windows 7, has posted on the official news site
,that Windows 8 will hit the market in about 2 years time.They have
also mentioned that Windows 7 SP1 would be available in first half of
next year.